Care of newborn
- Wrap the baby well, because the baby's skin is sensitive to room temperature.
- Keep the room temperature 30-31 Degree Celsius. Please think that baby is just come out of the womb and you have to provide a warm room temperature.
- When the baby is awake, please put the baby on the breast. Before that, the breasts and nipple should be cleaned with drinking water and dry with a towel. Mother will feel difficult to make the baby to suck, but please keep on trying it. Even if you do not have breast milk, you allow baby to suck hourly to get used to sucking.
- When the baby cries, it denotes that baby is hungry. Give breast formula milk to the baby. Wash hands with soap and water. Take a bowl and spoon, put it in a big vessel, pour drinking water and allow it to boil for 05 minutes. Take the bowl, boil the water for 05 minutes, add breast formula powder (read the instructions of the pack carefully) and allow it to cool. Wash hands with soap and water, and feed the baby with a spoon through the sides of the lips. When the baby spits the milk and you just stop it. When the baby cries badly, you feed formula, otherwise, you put the baby on breastfeeding every hourly or two hourly.
- Following that you have to do burping of the baby. It is a method to expel the gas from the stomach. If you don't do it, the baby will be experienced projectile vomiting and abdominal pain. Keep the baby on shoulders and gently pat the back till you hear a 'burp' sound. You please note that you should practice after every feeds till three months.
- You should arrange an environment for the baby to sleep well. No noise. No bright lights and you can go for dim lights especially in the night. This has to done to make the baby differentiate day and night from the very beginning.
- Wash hands with soap and water, and change the diapers or nappies frequently. Keep the baby dry always. Do not disturb the umbilical cord.
- Please note that keep the wrapped baby in bed always from the very beginning. Otherwise, you have to carry the baby in the hands always to stop crying in coming months and physical development of the baby will be delayed. And teach the baby to lie in bed from the very beginning.
- Please discourage visitors to avoid infections for the mother and baby.
- Always remember that wash hands before touching the baby.
Care of mother after normal delivery/ caesarean
- Complete bed rest for one day to get the stitches healed.
- Have liquid diet to prevent constipation in further days.
Reliability of the information
live in the midst of so many answers, suggestions, and options to one
question itself. During my motherhood period, I found very difficult to
opt the best do's for my baby, despite being a professional
nurse. After a lot of readings, observations, brainstorming discussions
with my colleagues who are nursing experts, health professionals, and
experienced mothers, and I have opted the best things for my baby,
implemented and succeeded to have a happy motherhood period without a
single episode of fever, cold or diarrhea for the baby and sleepless
night too. In spite of committing trials and errors during your
parenting time, you can read, understand and implement it. If you have
any queries or suggestions, a great welcome to my blog."
Mrs.Ponnambily Jobin
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