Thursday, December 4, 2014

Milk and Calcium

Milk Packets
Milk and Calcium

Milk is an ideal food for all the age groups.The milk is a very good source of calcium, protein, vitamin A,vitamin B12,vitamin D, Niacin, Riboflavin, Potassium and phosphorous. Nowadays, milk is available in different colored packets with different brand names. Here, my aim is to explore the types of available milk varieties and nutritive values.

When you buy milk, check the value of fat and S.N.F(Solids-Not-Fat). S.N.F means, the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals other than the fat. Mainly four varieties of milk packets are available such as double toned milk, toned milk, standardized milk and full cream milk. The double toned milk means the removal of creamy layer twice and toned milk is the process of removing fat layer once. These two varieties may have less amount of vitamin A and vitamin D, as it is dissolved in fat layer. It is mainly preferred to adults, who have in the risk of high blood cholesterol level.

The standardized milk contains fat and S.N.F content according to legal standards. In full cream milk, no fat layer removed. As full cream milk is rich in fat and vitamins, it is considered as the best milk  for children.

In all varieties of milk has more or less the same amount of calcium. I have responded to the question corner in The Hindu, regarding the amount of calcium in different types of milk (

Monday, November 24, 2014

Annual Health check up

Diabetes check-up, Norsup hospital, Malekula Island, Vanuatu 2007. Photo- Rob Maccoll - AusAID (10692276354)
(Image by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)

Nowadays, regular health tests are able to identify the risk of non communicable diseases, as it is very helpful to prevent morbidity and mortality. It is very important to know when to be done and what to be done. Here, I am going to write about the annual screening tests to be done, if your age is above 30 years of age. 

Check fasting blood sugar, fasting lipid profile and blood pressure once in a year. To see the normal and abnormal range, visit If fasting blood sugar is high, check postprandial blood sugar and HbA1c.

If blood pressure is high in first reading, check blood pressure in alternative days for a week at rest. The reading is remain high, consult doctor immediately. For more details, visit

To see the interpretation of fasting lipid profile, visit If you are at high risk, consult doctor soon.

If you are a known case of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardio-vascular diseases or stroke, check urea, creatinine, liver function test, thyroid function test and electrocardiogram annually.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Understanding Blood Pressure Reading

Blood Pressure is referred as arterial blood pressure, is the pressure exerted by the circulating blood on its vessels. It is checked by an instrument called Sphygmomanometer, usually expressed as systolic and diastolic blood pressure and measured as in Millimeters of Mercury (mm Hg). Normal blood pressure of an adult at rest is 120(systolic)/80(diastolic) mm Hg.

Systolic Pressure indicates the pressure exerted on arteries when heart pumps the blood into the body during beating.Diastolic pressure is the pressure of arteries when heart rests between the beats.

You have to check the blood pressure periodically. Once reading shows more than the normal, check the blood pressure thrice in alternative days at rest. If the three readings are high, consult the doctor immediately.

Categories of blood pressure 
  • Pre-hypertension means the blood pressure is between 120-139/80-89 mm Hg.
  • High blood pressure means the blood pressure is between 140-180/90-110 mm Hg.
  • Hypertensive crisis means the blood pressure is above 180/110 mm Hg.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blood Sugar Interpretation

Blood Sugar Interpretation
Interpretation of Blood Sugar

Blood sugar concentration is the amount of glucose present in the blood of human being. The four tests help to determine the ability of the body to metabolise  the blood sugar.  

  • FBS- Fasting Blood Sugar
  • RBS- Random Blood Sugar
  • PPBS- Post Prandial Blood Sugar
  • GCT- Glucose Challenge Test
  • GTT- Glucose Tolerance Test
  • HbA1c- Glycosylated hemoglobin
Fasting Blood Sugar

Blood must be checked after 12 hours of fasting. Normal value is 60-110mg/dl.

Random Blood Sugar

Blood samples will be taken at any point of time irrespective of the consumption of food. Normal value is 60-130mg/dl.

Post Prandial Blood Sugar

Blood must be checked after 2 hours of eating.Normal value is 60-140mg/dl.

Glucose Challenge Test

It measures the blood glucose level 1 hour after the woman has drunken the 50 gm or 70 gm of oral glucose.It usually done to screen for the diabetes in pregnancy. Normal value is below 130mg/dl.

Glucose Tolerance Test

It is a 3 hour test, usually done if GCT value above 140mg/dl in pregnant woman. It consists of drinking 100 gm of oral glucose and taking blood samples at 1hr,2hrs and 3hrs intervals. Normal values will be 

  • Fasing -<95 mg/dl 
  • 1 hr -180 mg/dl 
  • 2 hrs -<155 mg/dl 
  • 3 hrs -<140 mg/dl 

HbA1c- Glycosylated hemoglobin

Recommended HbA1c value for non diabetic patients will be less than 4.5-5%.It indicates that in every 100 blood cells, 4 to 5 cells have glucose attached to them. In diabetic patients, less than 6.5% will be the normal range.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cholesterol Test Interpretation

Lipid Profile/Lipid Panel Test Interpretation

The lipid profile test is recommended for adults over the age of 30 years. It consists of Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL and Triglycerides.

The normal ranges are

  • Total Cholesterol-<200 mg/dl
  • High Density Cholesterol (Good Cholesterol)-40-59 mg/dl
  • Low Density Cholesterol( Bad Cholesterol)- <100 mg/dl
  • Very Low Density Lipoprotein ( a component of bad Cholesterol)-<40 mg/dl
  • Triglycerides-<150 mg/dl is highly desirable. The level of triglycerides may be raised if the LDL has increased.
It is also necessary to see, 

  • Total Cholesterol/ HDL Ratio->4.5 indicates the high risk of heart diseases.
  • Triglycerides/HDL Ratio- <2 is ideal/ >4 indicates the high risk of heart diseases.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Body Mass Index

The Body Mass Index or Quetelet's Index, is a method of measuring relative weight based on height and individual mass.

It is calculated by using the formula,

The BMI Score means the following:

Underweight-Below 18.5
Obesity-30.0 and above

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Waist Hip Ratio

Waist-hip ratio
[ This image is from By Mikael Häggström, from original works by SuicideGirls and FatM1ke [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons]

The waist hip ratio is one of the best way to determine the abdominal obesity and whether you are at an increased health risk. It has been found to be more effective predictor of risk of non communicable diseases in older people than Body Mass Index.

For measuring Waist Hip Ratio-
  • relax your muscles
  • keep a stretch resistant tape around the waist at one inch above naval, during normal expiration and measure it
  • keep the tape around the widest portion of buttocks and measure it
  • repeat the measurement twice, if it is with in 1 cm of one another, take the average.
  • check waist/hip ratio

The abdominal obesity is defined as waist hip ratio above 0.90 for males and above 0.85 for females, indicates that they are at increased health risk because of their fat distribution.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Carrot- benefits

Health Benefits of Carrots

Carrot is a root vegetable, usually in orange color, belongs to the Family Apiaceae and Genus Daucus.

The nutritional value of carrot per 100 gm is

  • energy- 41 kcal
  • dietary fiber-2.8 gm
  • protein-0.93 gm
  • vitamin A-835 microgram
  • folate-19 microgram
  • vitamin C- 5.9 microgram
  • calcium- 33 mg
  • potassium- 320 mg
  • sodium- 69 mg

Other benefits 

  • Vision- Carrots are good for vision. Beta Carotene in carrots converts into Vitamin A in the liver and it transforms into rhodopsin in the retina, a purple pigment which is necessary for night vision.
  • Prevents cancer- Carrots contain falcarinol, which has anticancer properties.
  • Anti aging- Beta carotene has antioxidant property, which prevents cell damage.
  • Protect against cardiovascular diseases- The diet high in carotenoids, helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Further, it composes healthy levels of copper,calcium, potassium and phosphorous, which are essential for growth and development of the body.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gooseberries- Benefits

Indian Gooseberry
Indian Gooseberry/ Phyllanthus Emblica

It belongs to genus Phyllanthus and species Emblica. It ripens in the autumn, mainly found in the hilly areas. In India, it is considered as a sacred tree.Despite the sour taste, this is very nourishing.

The berries are rich source of Vitamin C, 100 gm provides 27.7 mcg or 46% of daily recommended intake value of Vitamin C. It has moderate anti oxidants, which helps the body to boost up the immunity and helps in absorption of calcium.

As it contains Carotene and Iron, it helps to reduce hair loss by not allowing free radicals to damage hair follicles. Berries are rich in Carotene and Vitamin A, which has effect on vision related conditions such as macular degeneration and night blindness.

Eating a Vitamin C rich fruit like gooseberry daily, keeps you to be healthy.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Green Chilly -Truths

Green Chilies
Benefits of Green Chilly

It is an essential spice in South Indian foods. It is the fruit of the flowering plants Capscium Annuum and Capscium Frutescens. 

Green chilies are low in calories, fat free but, rich in Vitamin A,C,K and phytonutrient Capsaicin.
  • Green chilies are rich in Vitamin A, which is very good for eye and skin
  • Green chilies are rich in Vitamin C, it helps to absorb other nutrients
  • Green chilies are strong antioxidants, which delays aging
  • It has anti bacterial property
  • It helps to boost up natural immunity
  • Green chilies are rich in Vitamin K, which helps in blood coagulation and prevents osteoporosis
  • Capsaicin can be anti depressant, as it releases endorphin into the brain
  • It helps in weight loss, as it burns excess fat in the body


If you have any acute or chronic digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Gastritis, avoid chilies in the diet, as it exacerbates symptoms. 

Burning sensation after cutting chilly

When we cut chilly, burning sensation is due to the presence of natural chemical called capsaicin. It belongs to the genus Capsicum and family Solanaceae.

When chilly is ingested, the capsaicin binds to a receptor, which is connected with heat sensation and this produces the burning sensation. It doesn’t cause any damage to the tissues. It can be alleviated by lemon or orange juice. Vitamin C and citric acid neutralize the burning sensation by breaking down the capsaicin and provides relief.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dental Hygiene

Importance of dental hygiene

Taking care of your teeth, keeps you healthy. Research suggests that gum diseases, in particular, are related to several serious health conditions including heart diseases such as infective endocarditis.

A few things you can do to avoid gum diseases and maintain oral hygiene are 
  • brushing teeth twice daily, 
  • clean your teeth in between with floss daily, 
  • wash your mouth after eating, 
  • eat balanced diet, 
  • limit sweet snacks,
  • visit dentist regularly for oral examination and cleaning procedures.
  Follow dental healthy

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Food Allergy-Asthma

Prevention of food allergy among people with asthma

People with asthma should avoid foods contain-
  • Monosodium Glutamate(MSG)
  • Sulfites
Monosodium Glutamate
It is a chemical which can be seen in natural foods as well as additives in many prepared foods, which can be a trigger factor for asthma. There is no sudden onset of symptoms after consumption, but it may occur after 6 to 12 hours.

Foods which contain MSG are yeast, cheese, soy sauce, tomato, processed meat, grapes, mushrooms and wine. In case of packet foods, please look at the list of ingredients.

It is a food additive and also seen in foods naturally, which may trigger asthmatic condition.Sulfite is a general name of six ingredients such as
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Potassium bisulfite
  • Potassium metabisulfite
  • Sodium bisulfite
  • Sodium metabisulfite
  • Sodium sulfite
When you buy packet foods, please look at the list of ingredients which is mentioned above.
Sulfites may be added to foods and beverages such as
  • Beer and wine
  • Jams
  • Dried fruits and vegetables
  • Pickled meat
It may also occur in natural foods such as
  • Egg
  • Lettuce
  • Onions
  • Soy
  • Tomatos
  • Shrimp and shell fish

Benefits of coconut oil

Truths of coconut oil 

Coconut consists of high fat-low carbohydrate and MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) which converts into ketones in the liver, which helps to reduce seizures in the epileptic children.

Coconut oil is very effective at removing age spots, as it contains lauric acid which acts as emulsifier and cleansing agent. Before taking bath, apply coconut oil in your body and face, massage it upwardly and wash with mild soaps.

Include coconut oil in the diet for the healthy!!

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric Powder

Truths of turmeric 
Turmeric contains curcumin which acts as a potential antiinflammatory, antibiotic and antioxident agent and especially acts very similar to ibuprofen - an analgesic drug.

The benefits are given below.

  • It is a medicine for rheumatoid arthritis
  • It promotes the wound healing
  • It helps to remodel the damaged skin
  • It reduces the risk of childhood leukemia
  • It is a liver toxifier
  • It stimulates the body's immune system
  • It helps to slow down the progression of alzheimer's disease.

Include turmeric in your healthy!!